Xfinity 10G Next Giant Leap campaign

As a UX writer & copywriter at Comcast, I partnered with Xfinity’s in-house creative agency to develop campaign-specific landing page and banner copy for the Xfinity website.

To announce the arrival of the Xfinity 10G network for home internet, Comcast produced a 30-second Super Bowl spot that would air during the third quarter of Super Bowl LVII.

I partnered with the Xfinity Creative studio and Comcast digital marketing teams to create a moon landing themed teaser landing page, plus a new homepage and banners that would go live once the commercial aired.


Because banners, cards, and landing pages followed standard design patterns, I worked on the text separately in Confluence. This allowed for quick approvals and easily tracked revisions. Though we did have to make additional edits to the copy once we saw it laid out in the final designs.

The homepage was designed net new, so I worked directly in the Figma file, adding copyedits and comments for design with feedback from marketing stakeholders and legal. Once design and copy were locked, I then copied the final text into Confluence for documentation handoff to the web producers building the page.


Teaser landing page

Banners & app cards